Legend has it that there was a loving young couple in Lin’an Mansion in the Song Dynasty who went through many hardships and reunited. The couple died at the same time on the same day of the same month of the same year. Later, a tree grew up on the tomb where they were buried together. The flower it bloomed only bloomed. It looked like a smile, was extremely beautiful, and had a wonderful fragrance. This was the Magnolia flower.

There are many poems about Magnolia flower by the ancients. Shi Yisheng once wrote a poem about white orchids, saying: “A hundred steps forward, the fragrance penetrates the jade flesh, and the hall is full of white teeth and bright eyebrows. When the curtains are drawn to welcome guests, when the spring breeze is proud of shooting pheasants.” Chen Shan of the Southern Song Dynasty “New Stories from Meng Liao” records: “Suddenly I smelled a gust of fragrant wind, and the whole room was full of joy, and I knew it was smiling.” Yang Wanli of the Song Dynasty praised it: “Cuiyu clothes, white jade skin”, Xiao Wenxian praised it: “It can only be renamed Xiaoxiao” White Lotus”.

The Magnolia flower is as pure and flawless as a woman, so it is endowed with a beautiful and noble quality image. The white orchid has a charming and charming beauty. It blooms with dew in the morning and is full of fragrance at night. It is really fragrant when no one is around. It is our longing for the beauty of nature. Magnolia flower essential oil can be used in various high-end fragrance formulas to achieve the effect of adding clarity and charm. It is very popular among perfumers. Let’s take a look at the efficacy and usage of Magnolia flower essential oil!

Magnolia flower oil

[Latin] Michelia alba.DC

[Family and Genus] Magnoliaceae

[made in China

[Extraction part] Flower

[Extraction method] Distillation

[Appearance] Orange to light brown clear liquid

Magnolia flower oil benefits

1. Skin effect: balances sebum secretion, prevents and treats acne, and is very helpful for oily and dry skin.
2. Physical effects: Lower blood pressure, adjust heart rate, and relieve symptoms of shortness of breath. Helps eliminate sexual obstacles and strengthen sexual ability.
3. Mental effect: calm and relax nerves, eliminate nervousness and palpitations.

How to use Magnolia flower oil
1. Incense: Put 3-4 drops in an incense lamp or incense burner. Its fragrance can calm the nerves and reduce tension or anxiety.

2. Bathing: Pour 8 drops of essential oil into a tank of water that is about 80% full, and stir to make the essential oil evenly dispersed in the water, which will help eliminate sexual obstacles and enhance sexual ability. Relieve menopause and menstrual discomfort.

3. Massage: Add 5 drops of essential oil into 10 ml of base oil to lower blood pressure and promote hair growth. Strengthens the uterus and prevents breast sagging.

4. Matching: bergamot, chamomile, cardamom, cedar, cinnamon, frankincense, geranium, lavender, lemon, lemon balm, orange blossom, orange, patchouli, sandalwood, etc.

How to preserve Magnolia flower oil
1. Pure essential oils should be packed in dark glass bottles to avoid sunlight and places with large temperature changes.

2. Unopened pure essential oils can be stored for 3 to 5 years. After opening, they should be used up within 1 year. The blended compound essential oils should be used up within 3 months.

Precautions for Magnolia flower oil
1. The concentration of pure essential oil is too high, and undiluted pure essential oil cannot be applied directly to the skin.

2. For those with sensitive skin, test on the inside of your wrist before use. If there is no irritation reaction, use it again. If skin abnormalities occur during use, you should stop using it immediately and consult a dermatologist.

3. Please avoid using it on wounds, ulcers and abnormal skin areas.

4. People with low blood pressure should use with caution.

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